Monday, June 20, 2011

t-shirt flowers

I love to find new ways to recycle or upcycle tshirts.   This one is very fast (which I love). Once you start to make them you will start to see how many ways you can use them. Don't limit yourself to tshirts any lightweight material will work.   Have fun !!!  

What you need :   An old t-shirt / felt circle or recycled heavy weight material in cut in the size circle you want for your flower / hot glue gun / embellishments if you would like.  i.e. beads, rhinestones, fringe, buttons. 
 sorry for the blurry pic - just make a knot at the end of the fabric and glue the knot in the center of the circle

Don't worry about neatness with the glue... you are going to cover it as you go around 

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